April 8, 2009

Finally feeling better!

The last week was a completely exhausting one! I am finally feeling better! I was probably the sickest I have been since I had mono my freshman year in college. Definitely no fun! I am just thankful that whatever I had, complicated by pregnancy, has finally gone away!!!
Last Saturday Erik had the day off! We woke up to a beautiful sunny day, and I definitely needed to get out of the house since I hadn't been able to do much of anything the whole week. My sweet husband told us all to get in the car and he would drive somewhere. He drove us to my favorite place to get ice cream, Young's Dairy! The girls absolutely loved feeding the goats and seeing all the animals. It was funny because there were probably 10 pregnant goats there! I hope I never look that funny when I am pregnant! :) We had a great time eating lunch and ice cream. We also went for a nice hike at Clifton Gorge. The girls really enjoyed being outside and walking in the woods. I think we were all exhausted by the time we got home!
Sunday we took a friend of mine from work to church with us. This is a total God thing as I have been praying for her and encouraging her to come with us for almost a year now, and she finally took me up on the offer!!! Later when I dropped her off she asked if we could make this a regular thing! I'm excited about what God is doing through this friendship!
Yesterday the girls and I were able to meet my friend Stephanie for lunch. I was so nice to catch up!
The girls are already taking their naps. They are excited to go to Grammie and Papa's tonight while I am at work because they are going to dye Easter Eggs! The girls absolutely love spending time with them. The other day my dad watched the girls while I went to a Dr. Appt. and when I came to pick them up neither one of them wanted to leave and Papa had to carry both girls to the car! So cute!
In other news I am now 24 weeks and 2 days pregnant! Maybe one of these days I will take a picture of what I look like, but until then you'll just have to imagine a slightly beached whale toting a toddler and preschooler (I just hope I don't look like a pregnant goat) :) It is finally starting to feel like I am getting somewhere in this pregnancy! For the most part, other than last week, I have felt pretty good and am enjoying the constant nudges and kicks that Micah sends my way! 24 weeks down, 16 to go!!

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