April 28, 2009

Long Time No Post

Well, since it has been almost two whole weeks since I have posted anything, I had better give you a quick update on the happenings here.
The weekend after Easter I enjoyed another birthday. I spent the morning of my birthday at a kids consignment sale, I found some good things, but it was crazy. I enjoyed the rest of the day with my girls and then later we went to Mongolian BBQ. All in all I had a good birthday without too much fuss, just enjoying my cute family!
Last week Erik took Friday off in order to spend a day with the girls and I. We made a trip to the zoo and had a blast. It is so much fun to spend time as a family. We rarely have whole days together, so this was a special treat.
The girls are doing good. We have already enjoyed the nicer weather with several trips to the park. The girls have also loved being able to play outside at Grammie and Papa's house. Grace even spent the night last week and was already outside at 9 in the morning! Papa put up a tire swing for Grace and she absolutely loves it!
On the baby front- I am glad my due date is now less than 3 months away. I am keeping up with everything pretty well, though I am finding I am getting more and more exhausted. On a brighter note I have done some good shopping at local thrift stores for clothes for all 3 kids! I am loving looking for boy clothes!
Well, I had better get the kids up from their naps and off to Papa's. I have to work tonight and for that matter every night for the next week. So, in other words we won't be doing too much other that resting during the day and then I will be working at night. Here comes a week of pure insanity! :)

April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. We had a beautiful weekend and an extremely blessed Easter!
Saturday was definitely packed full of fun for the girls. In the morning we went to an egg hunt that my parent's church does every year. It was crazy because there were so many people there, but the girls had fun finding the eggs. We also met up with our friends the Well's while we were there and then took Grace's friend, Carson, with us for the afternoon.
After the first egg hunt we made it over to a second egg hunt at a church near my parent's house. The kids had an absolute blast at this one! They had blow up toys, pony rides, cotton candy, crafts, hot dogs, a petting zoo, and an egg hunt all for free! It was really nice because they had different age groups hunt for eggs at different times. Definitely less chaotic
Here's Grace and Carson at the egg hunt! It was so sweet because Carson would find pink eggs and give them to grace! They are such good friends!Grace and papa at the pony ride! Can you tell Grace adores her papa!?!Lena's 1st pony ride. She was fascinated with the horses and also with the petting zoo they had!
The rest of our Saturday we spent as a family. We enjoyed free lunch at Chick-fil-a (nothing better than a free dinner at a place we love!!!) and then we dyed Easter eggs. Grace really got into it this year!

Here's Grace getting ready to dye her eggs! Here's Lena dying an egg. She did good once she realized that the dye wasn't for eating :)Grace with her finished eggs!Lena and her eggs!

Sunday we had the priviledge of my friend Tara joining us for Easter service. I am so amazed at God's goodness to us! He has blessed me beyond anything I could have ever imagined! I love Easter and it is such a joyous occassion to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord!

After service we went to my parent's for Easter dinner. We enjoyed a wonderful relaxing afternoon with them!

My beautiful girls on Easter!The girls with Uncle David. It was nice he was able to come home for Easter as we haven't seen him since Christmas.

Our family of 4 on easter! I can't wait til there are 5 of us to take a picture of!!We had an egg hunt at my Parent's house. Lena had so much fun looking for the eggs. She is such a sweet little girl!Grace found a "sneaky" egg on my mom's car. She is growing up so fast and it such a joy!And I finally gave in and had a "pregnancy" picture taken. Here I am at 25 weeks. AAHHHH!!!! I can't guarantee that another picture will be taken- this is actually the first time I had a belly shot taken in 3 pregnancies! I hope you all had a joyous Easter as well!

April 10, 2009

Fun Filled Day

Yesterday was a very enjoyable day for the girls and I. In the morning we picked my mom up and took her to Smith Gardens, which is a beautifully landscaped garden open to the public. My mom needed pictures of spring flowers for a contest at work, so we were happy to accomany her on this project. I will have to post some pictures later, but the flowers were beautiful and the girls enjoyed looking at everything, and we fascinated with a rather large bug they found! :)
Afterwards we went to a local park and had a picnic lunch. I love being able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. At the park there is a large sand area that the girls spent most of the time in. I love watching them play and explore! It was so nice just spending a relaxing day with my mom and my daughters.
Then, last night Grace had the opportunity to go to the Dragon's baseball game with her friend Carson and his parents. She has been talking about it all day today! From what I hear, they had a blast. It is neat that Grace is to the age where she gets to go on fun outings with friends, and that she has found such a good friend in Carson!
Tonight I have to work, which I have to admit, I am dreading, but I do have the whole weekend off for Easter! YAY! Tomorrow we will be heading to an Easter Egg Hunt and dying eggs at home. I'm also excitedthat my brother David is making it home for Easter and he will be spending the day with us tomorrow!
I hope you all have a blessed Easter, as we celebrate the greatest day in history- the resurrection of our Lord Jesus!! I am in awe of all that God has done and all that He is going to continue to do in our lives!

April 8, 2009

Finally feeling better!

The last week was a completely exhausting one! I am finally feeling better! I was probably the sickest I have been since I had mono my freshman year in college. Definitely no fun! I am just thankful that whatever I had, complicated by pregnancy, has finally gone away!!!
Last Saturday Erik had the day off! We woke up to a beautiful sunny day, and I definitely needed to get out of the house since I hadn't been able to do much of anything the whole week. My sweet husband told us all to get in the car and he would drive somewhere. He drove us to my favorite place to get ice cream, Young's Dairy! The girls absolutely loved feeding the goats and seeing all the animals. It was funny because there were probably 10 pregnant goats there! I hope I never look that funny when I am pregnant! :) We had a great time eating lunch and ice cream. We also went for a nice hike at Clifton Gorge. The girls really enjoyed being outside and walking in the woods. I think we were all exhausted by the time we got home!
Sunday we took a friend of mine from work to church with us. This is a total God thing as I have been praying for her and encouraging her to come with us for almost a year now, and she finally took me up on the offer!!! Later when I dropped her off she asked if we could make this a regular thing! I'm excited about what God is doing through this friendship!
Yesterday the girls and I were able to meet my friend Stephanie for lunch. I was so nice to catch up!
The girls are already taking their naps. They are excited to go to Grammie and Papa's tonight while I am at work because they are going to dye Easter Eggs! The girls absolutely love spending time with them. The other day my dad watched the girls while I went to a Dr. Appt. and when I came to pick them up neither one of them wanted to leave and Papa had to carry both girls to the car! So cute!
In other news I am now 24 weeks and 2 days pregnant! Maybe one of these days I will take a picture of what I look like, but until then you'll just have to imagine a slightly beached whale toting a toddler and preschooler (I just hope I don't look like a pregnant goat) :) It is finally starting to feel like I am getting somewhere in this pregnancy! For the most part, other than last week, I have felt pretty good and am enjoying the constant nudges and kicks that Micah sends my way! 24 weeks down, 16 to go!!

April 1, 2009

Easter Portraits

Today I took the girls to get their pictures taken in their Easter dresses. I always dread going because I know that one or both girls will end up in tears at some point. And today was no exception! To start off, they were already running behind. Mind you our appointment was at 9:35 and they open at 9, so I couldn't imagine they would be that far behind already, but oh well. So, when they finally get us in the first room Lena wants nothing to do with the whole process. Eventually they get her to crack a small smile, snap a few pictures, and then we are sent to wait in the next room. This is when Grace takes a tumble and busts her lip open. Poor thing! It looks better now, but at the time it was bloody and huge. Needless to say, the pictures in the next room were a No Go. In the end I was happy with what we got.

Here's my girls together!Lena with a subtle smile. She didn't want to "over do it." :)Sweet Grace with a beautiful smile, right before she was a puddle of tears.

In other news, I am still completely wiped out. I had to get rid of my shift at work for tonight, which is a little disappointing because I had the possibility of making pretty good money. Hopefully tomorrow will be the day that I wake up and feel ready to go. This whole being sick while pregnant, and running after a 3 and 1 year old is not a good combination.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures of my beautiful girls!