May 23, 2009

A week of ups and downs

Well there have been some fun things going on this week and some not so fun things.
I guess I'll start on an upbeat note! Monday the kids and I went to the kids concert at the mall. Lena is really starting to get into it!
Monday I was also treat to lunch by my friend Tara. I have so enjoyed our friendship! She also blessed me with a very generous gift card to Wal-Mart! I'm definitely going to save this one for when I am taking some time off of work once Micah arrives!
Thursday we took our friends, Amy and Carson to the zoo with us. It was pretty hot but we had a really good time. Let me tell you, pushing a stroller with a toddler and two 3 year olds up hills is a little harder when you are 7 months pregnant! :) We were all exhausted by the time we left. I don't know what I was thinking, but I even worked Thursday night- as you can guess I was worn out by the time I got home from work!
It has been another great deal week for me! I purchased over $100 worth of groceries for only $30! Yay for great deals!
Today should be a fun day! About a month ago I received in the mail a letter congratulating me on winning a 4d ultrasound!! So we are going today, and I am so excited as this is the first 4d ultrasound I have done and we would never have paid the $100 to get one done! Its amazing how God blesses us with extravagances!
Then this afternoon we are having a BBQ at my parents. And tonight my mom and dad are taking us all to see Night at the Museum 2!!! Grace is thrilled! Every time she sees a preview on TV she goes nuts!
OK, so there's my upbeat portion of my post. On Wednesday my Dad went to the oncologist to find the results of his latest PETscan. His PETscan in January was completely clean, but when he went in this time, they found three new spots. They are not completely convinced that they are cancer, but the odds are not in his favor. Also, the spots are outside of his lungs, so they are not able to do a biopsy to determine if they are cancer. SO, we has to wait 3 months and have another PETscan before they decide what kind of treatment to do. All that to say, it is like another blow to the stomach! I know God is in control, but sometime it is so hard to see His direction.
Please Pray! 1. That these spots would somehow not be cancer or "disappear" (aka God's miraculous healing touch) 2. That my Dad would be able to once again take this in stride and stay encouraged 3. For my mom- she is under an incredible amount of stress as the sole provider of income. Not only does she have to worry about the everyday stress of bills, but somehow also worry about my dad 4. My dad is still looking for a job. Pray that God will open doors and provide direction.
In other words, we have been incredibly blessed this week, but at the same time are humbly sitting at the feet of Jesus asking for peace and guidance!

May 16, 2009

Funny Kids and Great Deals!

I just want to say that my kids absolutely crack me up! So, Erik has to work all day today ( he has to work at the branch til noon and then go to a meeting in Columbus til 5pm, SO frustrating because that means it is yet another day where we won't see each other at all!) and I really don't feel like going anywhere until I have to leave for work. Anyway, I let Grace watch some cartoons this morning, which is a rarity in this house, I rarely ever turn the tv on for the girls and it is definitely never on in the morning. So, Grace is in the living room happily watching cartoons and all of a sudden she starts yelling, "Mom! MOM!!" I go out there to find out what she wants and she says, "Mom, I need Sketchers. They're shoes that are on tv!" What a funny kid!
Yesterday turned out to be a profitable deal finding day. I really should have taken a picture of everything I was able to get, but you will just have to imagine $131.92 worth of groceries only costing me $35.66!!! I was very pleased with that total! It did take a bit of planning, but I think it was well worth it!
Last night Erik and I watched Ben Stein's movie "Expelled." It was a great documentary on intelligent design and how "society" will not accept intelligent design as an explanation, but holds tight to the flawed theory of Darwinism. Definitely a good movie to watch!
Well, I work the next two nights, hopefully they go quickly and I have enough energy to make it through them! :) Let me tell you, this pregnant lady is getting more exhausted every day!
Hope you all have a great weekend!

May 13, 2009

We're Still Here!

Well so far we have survived the craziness of May. I ended up working a ton of hours up until last weekend. That is one thing that is nice about my job, if we need extra cash I am able to pick up a shift and leave with money in my pocket.
I did take the girls to the zoo last week Tuesday. We actually went because I was able to participate in a diaper study for Pampers and since the facility where I pick up the diapers is just a few minutes from the zoo we made the most of the trip. I am definitely going to miss our zoo pass when it expires at the end of next month. We have more than gotten our money's worth out of it. Oh, and the diaper study is such a blessing! Not only do we get three weeks worth of diapers for free but when I take them back I get $60 to Kroger! God is good!!! It is amazing that He even cares about diapers!
Last Friday we all headed to Kentucky for David's college graduation. We enjoyed the trip down there and made stops at the Gap outlet and to Cumberland Falls. At the falls Grace was thrilled to see a snake on the hiking trail (no worries, it was a tiny snake!)! Friday night David took us to a pizza place that has games for the kids. The kids had a blast! We also enjoyed some swimming at the hotel- Grace may actually learn to swim this year!!
Saturday morning was David's graduation. Afterwards my parents took us all out to the bbq restaurant that David works at. It was SO good- can you tell this pregnant lady was excited about bbq ribs!!!! YuM!
Our trip home turned a little interesting as we were about half way home, and making great time, when the highway was shutdown for over an hour for an accident! It made things interesting, but Grace thought it was neat to get out of the car on the highway :)
Sunday I enjoyed a relaxing and peaceful Mother's Day. After church my hubby took us to Don Pablos for lunch. When we got home from lunch we put the girls down for naps and I even got a nap in!! Later on we went to my parents house to hang out and watch a movie. I absolutely love being a mommy! It amazes me how God has worked in my life and has given me such a passion for my children! All the sacrifices I make are nothing compared to the time that I get to spend with them, molding them into Christ followers!
Monday I was blessed by a Baby Shower given by my friend Karis while she was in town. It was so good to catch up with old friends! Micah is definitely going to be a well dressed little boy! My mom and dad gave us a Michigan Mobile for Micah's crib. Needless to say Erik is thrilled, as he has wanted to buy this mobile with each baby we have!
Today we are laying low until I have to go to work. Hope that catches you up on some of the happenings since I last posted. I'll leave you with a couple pictures from the falls and graduation.