March 4, 2009

Well, a week has passed and of course we have stayed busy. We had to take Erik's car in for work for the second time in a week. A little disappointing, as this time they couldn't really figure out what was wrong with it, so we will just wait and see, and be thankful that his car has been reliable so far.
Saturday Lena was kind enough to break my glasses in two. :) When Grace was the same age she also broke a pair of my glasses, so I figure I will only have 1 more pair that will be broken in about a year and a half by our little boy! Instead of spending a lot of money on glasses, I decided to give an online glasses supplier a try. So, I'll hopefully get my new glasses in the mail in about a week, and only spent $15. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Sunday at Church I was finally able to meet my "niece" Jane. She is absolutely amazing! Yesterday the girls and I spent the day with Jane, Karis and Aunty Deb. The day went too quickly. I had a great time loving on miss jane and catching up with Karis. There are some friends that come and go throughout your life, but then there are those friends who become "the family you choose." Karis and her family are that to us! The girls were absolutely fascinated with Jane. At dinner Grace held the baby monitor and was listening to Jane, so Grace sang twinle twinle little star to "her baby Jane." It was so sweet!
I was very pleased with how they did with Jane. Lena was so gentle with her, and even brought her a blankie.
Here are my girls with Aunt Karis!All five girls together (notice how Jane looks right at the camera and my girls could care less, lets just say my girls are not always the most "photogenic"). Oh, how I daydream of playdates and trips to the park together!So, Lena got a kick out of crawling under the couch. It was absolutely hilarious!
I am so happy we were able to spend the day with them before they have to head back home. Hopefully we will be able to make a trip to Maryland before the baby comes.
Last night Erik picked Grace and Lena up from the Bissett's and I was able to hang out with some friends from high school. We had fun eating ice cream and catching up. I love my girls from high school. It is amazing to see how we have all grown over the years.Sunday I bought the girls their Easter dresses, and they are absolutely adorable. They are Green sundresses with white flowers on the bottom. I love that we have a Carter's store nearby now. Not that I go very often, but they do have some great deals at times, and of course their clothes are absolutely adorable! I can't wait to dress them up in their adorable dresses!
Well, I work tonight and then don't work at all this weekend! YAY!!!! I can't wait for the weekend t0 celebrate our anniversary and go to the circus on Saturday!!!

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