February 25, 2009

Its a Boy!!

That's right, we are indeed having a baby boy!! Its was so funny because at the ultrasound, as soon as the tech started the ultrasound, our little boy wanted us to know who he was! :) The whole time I have been pregnant I have felt like we were having a boy, but was hoping I was not just thinking that way, because that is what we wanted. And then today I was getting worried that I would be diappointed if it was a girl, but in the end it appears mothers instinct is always right! :) Erik is over the moon and Grace has been carrying around the picture with her since we left the hospital. The Buskard family is now complete with two girls and one boy! YAY!!!

1 comment:

Adminswife said...

Congratulations! NO, your family is NOT complete. You need to have several more. Three more and you catch up to us. One more and you catch up to Luke & Lacey (this is Luke's mom, btw).

How fun for your girls! He will be one spoiled little boy with having three mothers.