February 5, 2009

Lately my heart has been burdened for the unborn, not only because I am going to be a mother of three but because of a couple experiences I have had lately. A couple of weeks ago I had a friend of mine from work call me to ask my advice. She and her boyfriend had unprotected sex and she was worried that she would get pregnant. She was going to take the morning after pill and wanted to know what I thought about it. WOW! It made me feel good that I had developed a relationship with my friend in which she felt comfortable in talking to me about this, but at the same time I think she was hoping for affirmation in her decision to take the pill. Over the next hour I had the opportunity to tell her that I believe God knows us before we are born and that He knits us in our mother's womb. It upsets me that society has marketed this pill in such a way as to make my friend think that it is not a form of an abortion, but the truth is that this "harmless" pill will take the life of a precious baby. Later she let me know that she did not end up taking the pill, even though she had already spent the $50 for it. Thank you God for the opportunity to share how precious life is to You!
Also, my mom was recently at a bridal shower for a friend at her work. While at the shower they were discussing someone who wasn't able to make it because she was throwing up. When my mom asked what was wrong she was told that the girl was pregnant but it was not a big deal because she was aborting the baby on Friday. The comment was made as if she was going to the grocery store. It is so upseting that abortion is such a normal, casual subject.
Many people don't want to think about the millions of babies that have been killed. And many people do not want to put their view of abortion into their worldview. For me, my view and value for life affects everything I do. If I do not value even the tiniest baby being formed in its mother, than why should I care about the stranger down the street or care what happens in the world around me.
This is just what has been on my heart lately. Please continue to pray for the millions of babies who will not get a voice and who, as a result of society saying "its OK," will never get the chance to speak for themselves.

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Wow, what a week for you and your mom! How sad to head the casual remarks about abortion. I'm so happy you were able to talk to your friend about God's view on these precious children!