November 12, 2008

Quick Update

We have had another busy week, but I wanted to update on my dad. Yesterday he went to the oncologist to find out the results of the PETscan he had last week. They determinied he has a large lump in his lung, but another area of concern is an excessive amount of fluid on his lungs. They have to now determine if the fluid is post operative or if it is cancerous fluid around his lungs. This morning he went in to get some of the fluid removed in order for it to be tested. He will find out the results next Wednesday. If the fluid is non-cancerous he will have to go in for another major lung surgery, but if the fluid does have cancer cells it is inoperable and there is nothing the dpctprs are able to do. Please pray that, though it is one of the most painful surgeries a person can have, that my dad will be able to have it. We are trying to remain prayerful and hopeful as we wait and see what is in store. Please continue to pray!
On a little more encouraging note, Lena has started taking her first steps. Last night she took 10 steps, and was incredibly proud of herself.
Grace had her last soccer games this past weekend. They didn't go that great, as it was cold, and she didn't want to play.
Hopefully we will be heading to Kroger to get some great deals on groceries before heading to work tonight.

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