November 14, 2008

I have been attempting (and I will have to admit I have been not been doing a good job at it) to do my quiet time during naptime or before the girls get up in the morning. It always amazes me when God has already put into words what I need to hear at the exact time. How is it that words that were written thousands of years ago can bring everything into perspective for me, sitting in my living room today? Well, today I read Psalm 30:5 which says, "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." God does not promise us an easy road, but He does give us the hope that the morning will be filled with joy. This was such and encouragement to me today!

Today has been a good day. I took Grace to her art class, where she got to paint. Afterwards we played at the park and went to the libray to check out some movies. It is such a gorgeous day that I think I am going to have to take the girls for a walk later this afternoon!
LEna is officially walking!!! She made it all the way down the hall and is now standing up on her own without holding on to anything. She is still being selective about when she shows off her new skills, but it is so much fun to watch. Now for some pictures.

A picture of Grace and the medal she received at her last soccer game!! She is wearing the goalie jersey- definitely made her day!

Erik and Lena at the game. It was definitely cold for 3 year olds to be playing!

Sweet Grace! She is so funny- she is actually sitting in the bouncy seat in this picture.

Lena making her funny face!

My last picture for the day is my deal finding picture of the week. I went to Kroger, Walgreens, and CVS. Guess how much I spent on everything here..........

............. $20. God has definitely been good to us! He even provided us with enough pepperoni for at least a dozen pizzas, which makes my husband happy. Thank you God for your unending blessings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, i'm impressed!! can i come over for supper? haha. keeping you guys in our prayers... sorry i haven't called in a while - it's been crazy trying to unpack and get organized. but i'll try early this week. miss you TONS as usual