October 20, 2008

It was a beautiful weekend here. Erik had the whole weekend off, so we went to the park on Saturday morning. It is so refreshing to be able to spend time as a family. We spent the rest of the day relaxing until I went to work.

Sunday we went to church and then I had to go to work. While I was at work Erik took Grace to get a new pair of cleats. They are absolutley adorable! They are white adidas cleats with pink stripes. She has a game tonight, so hopefully they will motivate her to kick the ball!!

Today we made it the the mall for the monthly kids concert. Grace had fun dancing with the kids and getting little trinkets from the vendors that were there. She even won a Tigger spin toothbrush! And I won a large picture frame!! i guess you could say it was a productive morning!

Here are a couple pictures that were taken this weekend.

Grace decided she needed to wear my glasses. Can you tell that she is my kid? No resemblance, huh?

This is how I was able to make dinner on Friday night! Lena was having a fit because I couldn't hold her, so I took her clothes off of her, strapped her in the high chair, and gave her pudding. What I do for some peace!

Here is our latest family picture! Yesterday we dressed the girls in the adorable outfits that Aunt Karis gave them while she was in town. They were SO cute! We used the timer on our camera to try and get a picture of all of us, and it actually turned out to be the best picture we have taken together yet! Go figure!

Well, I had better start cleaning since everything is a mess from my having to work all weekend!

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