July 28, 2009

Welcome Micah!

Well, Micah definitely made his debut yesterday, but he decided to do it in his own fashion!
I woke up Sunday morning at 12:30 am. I went to the bathroom, tried to lay back down, but wasn't feeling good. I was having some pretty intense contractions, but wasn't confident that they were the real thing. At 1:00 I woke Erik up and told him it was "time to go!" We called the Dr., my dad came to stay with the girls and we were at the hospital by 1:30.
I have to admit I was not that "thrilled" with the staff at the hospital when I first arrived. They were definitely "taking their time" until I had to stress to them that my contractions were now 2 minutes apart and I was having some extreme pressure. The nurses started to take me a little more seriously at this point and I was in a birthing room within minutes. While the nurse was "trying" to put an IV in my arm in order for my to get an epidural things were progressing quickly. Once she called for a more experienced WONDERFUL nurse to take care of my IV they checked me only to discover that I was already 9 cm dilated. In other words there would be no form of pain meds for me. I was about to cry!
I had always wanted to have a completely natural childbirth, but never thought that I would be able to do it. I guess I had to be forced into the situation! Let me tell you- God was definitely in complete control! He not only gave me the physical and mental strength to get through it, but my husband was right there with me, I had an amazing nurse encouraging me, and my dr. was there in time! God is good!
At 2:54am Micah was born. Of course of my 3 children he was the biggest, coming in at 9lb 6oz, 22 inches long! It is a good thing that it didn't take any longer, because I don't think my husband could have taken seeing me in that much pain for much longer!
Our precious baby boy is amazing! We are so blessed that he is so healthy, and are thankful to already be home. The girls are absolutely thrilled with their baby brother. Grace has let us know that Micah is her baby, and is so sweet with him. Lena is already bringing him his blankies and kisses on him.
We are looking forward to spending time together adjusting to being a family of 5!

1 comment:

Adminswife said...

"Children are an heritage of the Lord." CONGRATULATIONS! I talked to Grace Rumley today, and she told me all about Micah. She didn't think I knew you, but we do. We are so pleased that Micah arrived and arrived safely. I am glad you beat the inducing (it isn't any party I would like to repeat). God is good! Congratulations again! BTW, I am Luke's mom.