July 10, 2009

We DO still EXIST!

Well as you can probably tell from the absence of all blogging over the last month, things have been crazy around here.
June was a fun but busy month for us. Grace was able to experience VBS for the first time. It was so much fun listening to her sing the songs she learned and tell me everything they did. This was the first time that I had ever dropped Grace of for anything before!
Grace also was able to participate in a preschool day camp for two weeks. She has a blast!
Lena is getting bigger everyday. She has been adding new words constantly, and of course is a very independent little lady!
Erik is still plugging away at his job. He has been so faithful in his work, even though this is a less than desirable time to work for his company.
Two weeks ago we moved to a cute rental home. We have so enjoyed our new place! We are only 5 blocks from my parents, which has already been such a blessing. The girls love the yard to play in. Grace has already made a good friend, who turns out is only one day younger than her!
Yesterday my sweet Grace turned 4! For whatever reason this was a harder birthday to come to terms with! She is growing up so fast and is becoming such a neat little lady. We celebrated the day with yummy Krispy Kreme's in the morning! Then we met my mom, dad, and grandma for a picnic lunch at a local park. Then, last night my fam came over for dinner and Grace opened her presents. My Grandma gave Grace a Disney Princess Bike, which she is absolutely thrilled with!
This weekend we are having a cookout with family and friends to further celebrate. It should be fun! Hopefully we will get our computer figured out so I can post some pictures!
In baby news, I have just over 2 weeks to go! Between the stress of moving, Grace's birthday, and still working, I am utterly exhausted and thoroughly reading to meet my little boy! At my checkup this week my Dr. said any day now. So, we wait, and wait, and wait! Hopefully I will have Micah in my arms soon.
I know there is so much more that has happened over the last month, but alas it is all turning into a burr! Just wanted to update while I had access to a computer, and so you all don't think we have fallen off the face of the earth! :) Hopefully I will have some pictures soon- and I will make sure Micah news will be a top priority to update you on!

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