January 16, 2009

Baby Buskard #3!!!

Yes, you read it right! We are happy to announce we are expecting our third child in July. We are so excited to welcome another amazing blessing into our lives.
We are 12 1/2 weeks pregnant and our due date is July 27. This pregnancy comes as a bit of a surprise, but we are at peace with knowing that God's timing is not our time, and that it is always perfect!
I was so excited to be able to get an early ultrasound today (I only had one for each of the girls, so this was an extra treat to be able to see our baby growing a little bit earlier than I have before)

Here is our sweet baby's first pictures!

A picture of the baby's profile. I can do nothing but sit in awe at how God designs us! It is amazing to think that HE knows absolutely everything about this precious life before I even knew I was pregnant. It is hard to believe that people can look at these pictures and not be struck by the awesomeness of the God we serve!!

In order to share the news with our family in Michigan I decided to make t-shirts for the whole clan to wear!

The front of our shirts! I think they turned out pretty cute, if I do say so myself!

The back of our shirts! Erik's says, "boy...boy...please be a boy!" We are kind of hoping we are having a boy, seeing we are being overrun by girls :) but in the end we are just excited to be having another baby!

It should make for an exciting summer for us! Grace is just starting to understand that we are going to have another baby. Today she informed me that she wants a "Boy, Carson baby." (carson is one of her friends.) Lena is not ready to give up her spot as the baby, and we have already informed her that she will not be the neglected "middle child" :)

We look forward to sharing our new life with you as we become a family of 5!!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Congrats!! Here's the announcement I thought I missed! :-)


Lacey Rumley said...

Yay! The word is out! CONGRATULATIONS! We're thrilled for all of you! Thanks for posting the ultrasound pictures. Baby #3 is HANDSOME! :-) We love you FIVE!

Adminswife said...

I love how creative you and Lacey are when announcing the arrival of another baby. Congratulations! Just think, three more children and you will catch up with us.

BTW, this is Luke's mom.