October 13, 2008

The weekend was full and tiring and I am glad I have a couple days before I work again!

So, this morning I was helping Grace find a toy, and apparently Lena thought this was a great time to raid the pantry. I came into the kitchen to find this:

I absolutely cracked up! She was having the time of her life, and chowing down like her fun would be over any minute. Lena definitely has a nose to find food, and now I will have to make sure the pantry door is always closed!

Tonight Grace has a soccer game and she is excited that we are bringing the snacks! After her first game she went to get her snack, which was an orange and juice. Grace took a bite of the orange and said, "I don't like those lemons, they have peanuts in them." Since my husband doesn't eat oranges, I rarely buy them and when I do they don't have seeds. Definitely another great "gracism."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha, lena looks so happy