October 9, 2008

I Now Believe in Ghosts!

A couple of years ago, while we were still living in Michigan, my mom called me one day to tell me that a childhood friend had passed away. My mom even went to the viewing, and had commented later that she had really changed from when she was a girl.

Fast forward to last night at work. I walked up to greet a table and there is this girl that looks EXACTLY like my friend that had passed away. I know I probably weirded this guest out with the way that I looked at her, because I had to convince myself that this was not my friend, she had died years ago. It definitely weirded ME out!

Well, it was right before the table was about to leave and the girl says to me, " I think we used to play soccer together. My maiden name is Heather Chin." The name of my friend! I about choked, and then composed myself enough to have a quick conversation with her.
So, one of three things must have happened: 1. My mom didn't stay at the viewing long enough for Heather to rise up out of her coffin 2. Heather's ghost is now haunting me, or 3. My mom paid her respects to a complete stanger! Regardless, I will probably be laughing about it for years to come!

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