November 2, 2009

Fall Fun

Not much has happened since the last time I posted. Erik is still looking for a job, and I am still trying to work as much as I can.
Here is a picture of the kids when we went to Young's Dairy a couple weeks ago.
My soccer season ended and now we are excited because Grace starts her indoor season this weekend! She is so excited to play soccer again, and I have to admit that it thrills me to see her play!
Micah is getting bigger everyday. He truly is a sweet natured little boy. I absolutely love that when I come to get him in the morning that he gives me the biggest smile and is so excited for me to pick him up!
Lena is becoming more and more grown up. She is talking so much now and is becoming very independent.
As always we seem to be constantly busy. Last week we had a blast at several Harvest parties and then trick-or-treating on Saturday. This year Lena was Alice in Wonderland, Grace was Jessie from toy Story2 and Micah wore a teddy bear snowsuit that my brother David wore as a baby.
Grace loved her Jessie costume, you can't tell from this pic, but she even had red hair!
Lena looked like a doll in her costume. She told everyone she was princess alice. So cute!
Here's me and the kids on Halloween. The girls had a blast walking around with daddy while Micah and I handed out candy.
Saturday night after trick-or-treat we went with my Dad and Josiah to Chipotle to score free burritos for dressing like a burrito. It was hilarious! My mom found emergency blankets that we wrapped ourselves up in. Though we did look ridiculous we had fun and it definitely made the free burritos taste that much better. :)
Mot much else is going on here. I have been blessed to find some great grocery deals lately. The other day at kroger my bill went from $90 down to $15!! The bagger kept watching the price drop as the lady scanned my coupons and he was so impressed that he said, "this is like watching the ball drop on New Years Eve!" It cracked me up!
Hope you enjoyed the pictures of my precious kids

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